Fachschafts' Council (FSR)

The FSR is the executive body of the Fachschaft. It takes care of daily business and represents the student body externally. The FSR is elected and controlled by the Student Association Representatives (FSV).

The FSR is responsible for planning events, representing the students on other committees, and generally organizing the Fachschafts' council's work. In order to organize this well and keep everyone up-to-date, weekly meetings are held during the semester. There, current and important topics from the degrees, Fachschafts' council work or the other committees of the university are always dealt with. Everyone is welcome and can even put their own topics on the agenda. It is also important to note that all physics students (both B.Sc and B.Ed. students, so including those studying on 'lehramt') have the right to speak and vote at an FSR meeting, so feel free to come along and contribute, or just listen.

FSR meetings:

lecture period: every week on Tuesday, 6:30 p.m.
lecture free period: every second week on Tuesday (11/02, 25/02, 11/03, 25/03), 6:30 p.m.

seminar room 1 of the HISKP, Nußallee 14-16, 53115 Bonn

Available on the Discord server.

FSR minutes

Minutes are taken for each FSR meeting. The results of the discussions and votes are recorded there. If you want to know what is discussed at our meetings, please have a look at one of the minutes.

The minutes can be found via the button in the sciebo folder sorted by semester.

Members of the FSR

The FSR consists of up to 15 elected members who work under the direction of the FSR Board. The board consists of the chairperson and the vice-chairperson. Furthermore, the financier, other members and representatives of respective subject-degree-combinations (FAKs) are also part of the FSR.


Avatar Engels

Matthias Engels

Avatar Lepach

David Lepach


Other student council members

Avatar Kowalk

David Kowalk

Avatar Schubert

Caroline Schubert

Avatar Schumacher

Henry Schumacher

Avatar Märtin

Lennart Märtin

Lecture evaluation
Avatar Goßlau

Luca Goßlau

Grievance box
Avatar Goedee

Noa Goedee

Event committee


There are different topics/tasks the Fachschafts' council takes care of (e.g. first year work, evaluation,...) which are of special importance or need permanent support. For each of these areas one or more appointees are responsible, which consists of one or more persons. These persons are elected at FSR meetings (mostly at the constituent meeting of the FSR). People who are interested in becoming such an appointee are always welcome to contact us. An overview of all currently existing topics/tasks can be found on the page below.

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