Committees of the Fachschafts' Council
In order to be able to cover the many and varied tasks of the Fachschafts' Council (FSR), the FSR sets up committees. These are headed by officers and have a specific, defined area of responsibility on which they work. As a rule, the committees are appointed at the constituent meeting of the FSR.
In addition, the FSR can set up working groups (AKs for short, from the german term Arbeitskreisen) that support the units in larger projects or work on an acute topic.
First-year committee
As the name suggests, the first-year committee takes care of everything to do with the start of students' studies. It organises the orientation sessions, which include info lectures, game shows and other events, and the first-year trips, which are always a good opportunity to get to know fellow students. In addition, the committee is always a point of contact for new students in our subject.Henry Schumacher
Yannik Daniels
Tamino Pessel
Laura Richter
Jakob Giffhorn
Feyza Nur Köse
Networking of committees
The department for committee networking is responsible in particular for representing the student council at the student council conference (FSK for short) and the mat.-nat. student council conference (in short: mat.-nat. FK) and subsequently reports on the events at the meetings of the student council.Rasmus Müller
David Lepach
Matthias Rang
Master students and foreign students
When it comes to contact with students in the Master's programme and from abroad, obstacles can arise that are difficult for the student council to overcome. The committee should offer these students a contact point, improve contact with the student council and, if necessary, organise smaller events for them.Hannah Sieker
Lidia Bazenova
Lennart Märtin
Dominik Müller
Nicholas Treska
Evaluation committee
The Evaluation committee is responsible for the creation, implementation, application and results of the lecture surveys. The members of the unit also represent the students in the evaluation project group of the committee.Lennart Märtin
Evamarie Raulf
Carolina Dobras
Luca Goßlau
Committee for Revision Courses and C-course
The revision courses take place every semester for most Bachelor lectures in the fields of mathematics, experimental and theoretical physics before the second exam period. In addition to finding tutors, rooms and dates for these courses, the dissemination of information among the students is also one of the important tasks of the committee. It is also responsible for organising the C-course in the winter semester in preparation for the computational physics module.Matthias Engels
Michael Vogt
Oliver Adam
Lars Deniz Swoboda
Noa Goedee
Website committee
It is responsible for ensuring that the latest information can be seen on the current student council website. It is explicitly not the responsibility of the student representatives to create and update the content of the website.Luca Goßlau
Marc Hauer
David Lepach
Jonathan Büsching

Social Media and Public Relations committee
This committee deals with the social media channels of the student council, so it is responsible for digital external communication, among other things. In addition, this committee can also deal with the public relations of the FS in general.Lidia Bazenova
Lena Beckmann
Jay Holzapfel
Party committee
The Party committee's responsibilities can be divided into two categories:
Noa Goedee
Noah Reinhardt
Benedikt Peter
Marc Hauer
Tamino Pessel
Pitt Düster
Academic Events
Justin Schmitz
Henry Schumacher
Michael Vogt
Stella Hoffmann
Jay Holzapfel
Jakob Giffhorn
Printer committee
It is responsible for the student council printer "Marvin". It is responsible for checking and replenishing the paper and ink supply, taking care of maintenance and the like.Jonathan Büsching

Protocol Cabinet committee
This committee is responsible for keeping the minutes cupboard tidy, as new minutes are regularly filed and the existing ones must be kept tidy. In addition, work should be done to improve the inventory in order to use less paper and printer ink.Hannah Sieker
Dominik Hauner
Lukas Kuhlemann
Board committee
The physics/astronomy student council is responsible for several notice boards (in the HISKP, in the WPH and in the AIfA). These are to be filled with notices, election results and posters and kept up to date.Teresa Grafen
Maxine Hoffmann
Feyza Nur Köse
Jay Holzapfel
Equal Opportunities committee
This committee has two main tasks. On the one hand, it serves as a contact point for all gender equality issues that arise in the course of studies. On the other hand, it has an observer/monitoring role on this topic in all actions of the student council.Lena Beckmann
Dominik Hauner
Emma Thier
Stella Hoffmann
Data protection
This department ensures that the physics/astronomy student council always handles its data in compliance with the GDPR. The department is also explicitly responsible for destroying data that has reached the end of its storage period.Matthias Engels
Tobit Roth
Luca Goßlau
Rasmus Müller
Book Commission Sale (BKV)
The student council offers the possibility to sell old textbooks to other students. The appointees take care of the acceptance of books, the related finances and the contact to the sellers. You can find more information here.Hannah Sieker
Lidia Bazenova
Dominik Müller
Michael Vogt
Maxine Hoffmann
Benedikt Peter

QVM applications
This department submits the QVM applications once a semester, i.e. applications for money to improve teaching, for related expenses of the student council such as holiday tutorials, printers and Stud-E-Lab.David Kowalk
Matthias Engels
Benedikt Peter
Offers of the student council
Some of these departments are also responsible for the organisation and implementation of student council support services, such as holiday tutorials, tutoring lists or BKV. You can find more information about the offers of the student representatives on the corresponding page.
Jonathan Büsching
Grievance box
The grievance box is to be used as an anonymous complaints office to the student council, to which one can turn to address problems of any kind. This also includes problems with the student council directly. This must be supervised in order to solve and address corresponding points if necessary.Lidia Bazenova
Marc Hauer
Luca Goßlau
Teaching Students Committee
The Teaching Students Committee assumes the responsibility of representing the physics teaching students in the Fachschaft. It acts as a liaison between the students and the Fachschafts' council to ensure that their concerns and interests are properly represented.
Caroline Schubert
Jan Theisen
The KommGrem (communications committee) is in charge of networking our Fachschaft with the local jDPG group.
Matthias Engels
Caroline Schubert
David Lepach
Lukas Kuhlemann
Carolina Dobras
The Finance-Committee takes care of the finances of the Fachschaft.
Feyza Nur Köse
Arieh Thill
Moritz Friederichs
Peter Platzhalter
Working groups
For some topics/problems that arise in studies and everyday student council life, a simple discussion at a student council meeting is not necessarily sufficient. If this is the case, the people who are interested in the topic meet in a working group that deals more intensively with the dedicated task on behalf of the student council.
The following working groups are currently active:
- Statutes & bylaws: The Fachschafts' council physics/astronomy has statutes and bylaws for the FSV and FSR, as well as VDWO (regulations for the election of lecturers of trust). This working group is working on revising and improving these.
- Professorial dialogues: In this working group, the members deal with passing on the concerns of the student body to the lecturers.
- Fachschafts' council room: The Fachschafts' council room is a meeting and working space. The working group deals with the question of how the Fachschafts' room will be used in the future.
- Laboratory courses: The working group is aiming to improve lab courses in the Bachelor's and Master's programs. To this end, concrete proposals are being developed with which the supervisors of the lab courses can be approached.
- Teaching students: Since summer semester 23, the student council has had a teaching committee, which is available to answer questions about the teaching degree program and is the point of contact for problems of all kinds. The working group then deals with solving problems in the longer run. Responsible persons: Teacher training department
- Women in theoretical physics: The working group deals with a group that explicitly wants to strengthen women in theoretical physics. They are discussing how exactly the cooperation should look like in the future.
- Song writing: As far too few people know, the Fachschaft's council has a collection of songs that is unfortunately a little outdated. That's why the song writing working group has made it its noble mission to create new lyrical and excellent masterpieces and use them to fill physicists with sound in the near future.
Would you like to actively participate in one of the working groups? Then get in touch with those responsible (or with the student council) or come along to a student council meeting.