Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ
There are some questions every student asks. Here you can find a collection of answers to questions you may have asked yourself already or which might come up in the future during your physics studies.
Especially at the beginning, the concept of studying can seem like uncharted territory. Here you can find questions and answers about this topic at the University of Bonn.
FAQ - Studies
In physics, there are two platforms that are mainly used: Basis und eCampus. Examinations (and coursework, as with course lab 1-3) must be registered on a basis.
You can find the relevant deadlines here. In some modules, exercises, for example, must be registered via Basis, but this is usually communicated in the first lecture. The lectures themselves are usually organised via eCampus. For example, materials are made available there and in many cases the distribution of the exercise groups is regulated here.
Exams are registered via Basis. You can find the registration and deregistration deadlines for the various modules here. If something does not work or you cannot meet a deadline, it is best to contact the Examinations Office.
In physics, as in many other subjects, we have 3 examination attempts. However, one attempt consists of both exams that are written in one subject (i.e. main exam and post-exam). This means you can write an exam six times. However, there are a few modules, especially those without an exam, where each exam counts as one attempt (for example, the oral overview exams).
In order to borrow books from the library and use the workstations there, you need to get a library card. You can currently do this by filling out an online form. You can find more information here.
For most modules, there are books that the professor uses as a guide. However, this varies from lecturer to lecturer and should be announced or asked for at the beginning of the lecture.
If you have lost your student ID, you can apply for a duplicate. To do so, please contact the Student Administration Office.
For the Bachelor's thesis, you must have achieved at least 90 ECTS. As soon as you want to write your Bachelor's thesis, you should take a look at the different working groups in the physics department and see what interests you. Then you should contact the professor to talk about a possible topic. As soon as you have a topic, you have to register it with the examination office.
For the Master's thesis, you must have to successfully completed 60 credit points from the first year of the Master study course. The rest is similar to the Bachelor thesis. You write to a lecturer and ask for a topic, and when this is set, you register the thesis with the examination office.
Fachschafts' Council (Fachschaft)
You can also find information about the Fachschafts' council here. First of all, the Fachschaft is made up of all students of the subject. However, the Fachschafts' council is usually understood to mean the active part of the Fachschaft. These are physics students who are involved in various tasks to help other students and to represent them in university committees. There is an elected part (FSV) and the part that is responsible for everyday business (FSR), in which everyone can always participate.
FAQ - Fachschafts' council
The easiest way to get involved in the Fachschafts' council is to simply drop by the meetings. You can find the time and place here.
The site of the departments give a good overview of what the student council does.
You can decide that completely for yourself! The spectrum ranges from showing up at meetings every now and then and getting involved in a few tasks every now and then, to "you should spend a little less time in the Fachschafts' council and more time studying". Anyone and all help is always welcome!
The Fachschafts' council represents the interests of the students in various university committees, therefore part of the Fachschafts' council is also democratically elected by all students of the subject.
In addition, the Fachschafts' council offers many services that can make your studies a little easier.