Student Association Representatives (FSV)

The Student Association Representatives (FSV) is the decision-making body of the student body. It is the directly elected body of the student body and is responsible for all decisions of fundamental or high importance for the student body. In the day-to-day work of the Fachschaft, this means that the FSV mainly deals with topics relating to finances, the constitution and the most important topics of the Fachschaft council's work. It meets at least twice a semester and more if there are important topics or if it is requested. Each meeting is minuted and the minutes are published at the link below.
The most important tasks of the FSV are the election and control of the Fachschafts' Council (FSR) and the decisions in financial matters, i.e. above all the decision on budgets and the discharge of the FSR on the basis of the cash audit reports.

The FSV is regularly elected once a year. Information on past and upcoming elections can be found on the corresponding topic page. Questions about voting rights and eligibility are also clarified there. Otherwise, you can find the current members of the FSV below, including the members of the presidium and the secretary.

Invitation to the next FSV meeting:

When: 29 January 2025, 4:00 p.m.
lecture hall, HISKP; Nußallee 14-16, 53115 Bonn


1. welcome and determination of the quorum
2. finalisation of the agenda
3.* adoption of the minutes of 22 January 2025
4. reports and questions
  4.1 report of the FSR
  4.2 report of the FSV
5. other motions
6. miscellaneous 

An attachment is included with the agenda items marked with *.

FSV minutes

Minutes are taken for each FSV meeting. The results of the discussions and votes are recorded there. If you want to know what is discussed at our meetings, please have a look at one of the minutes.

The minutes can be found via the button in the sciebo folder sorted by semester.


The FSV Presidium is responsible for organising, preparing and inviting FSV meetings, as well as for drafting and implementing FSV resolutions. Otherwise, you can always contact the FSV chair for questions about the FSV, an upcoming meeting and further information.

Avatar Bazenova

Lidia Bazenova

Avatar Sieker

Hannah Sieker

Deputy Chair

Other members

Avatar Büsching

Jonathan Büsching

Avatar Engels

Matthias Engels

Avatar Schumacher

Henry Schumacher

Avatar Märtin

Lennart Märtin

Avatar Frère

Thor Frère

Avatar Lepach

David Lepach

Avatar Hoffmann

Maxine Hoffmann

Avatar Lensch

Sissay André Lensch

Avatar Goßlau

Luca Goßlau

Avatar Daniels

Yannik Daniels

Avatar Zhang

Ni Zhang

Avatar Beckmann

Lena Beckmann

Avatar Pütz

Joscha Pütz

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