Regular's table: topic to be announced
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Regular's Table
Revision Courses
Die Ferientutorien sind Repetetorien zu den Modulen der Experimentalphysik, theoretischen Physik oder Mathematik, die vor der Nachklausur stattfinden.
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Offers of the Fachschafts' Council
Satzung und Ordnungen
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About us
Statutes and Rules of Procedure
Here you can find the statutes of the physics/astronomy student council as well as the existing regulations in the most current version.
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About us
Student Association Representatives
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About us
Student council representation
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About us
Student Electronic Laboratory
Im Stud-ELab kannst du
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Offers of the Fachschafts' Council
Summer fête
Next Friday is our summer fête! ☀️⛱️ - It's time for some summer vibes 😎 So come along to HISKP on 5 July from 4 p.m. and enjoy the (hopefully) sunny weather ...
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Supplementary budget financial year 2017/18
Supplementary budget for the financial year 2017/18 from 01st October 2017 to 30th September 2018
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About us
Finance committee
Supplementary budget financial year 2018/19
Supplementary budget for the financial year 2018/19 from 01st October 2018 to 30th September 2019
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About us
Finance committee